With SEE Electrical LT you can quickly and easily create professional and standardized electrical schematics and drawings.
With hundreds of standard symbols, an intuitive interface and suitable functionalities, SEE Electrical LT is THE software dedicated to electrical schematics.
With hundreds of standard symbols, an intuitive interface and suitable functionalities, SEE Electrical LT is THE software dedicated to electrical schematics.
SEE ELECTRICAL LT allows you to work to scale. The dimensioning capabilities help create dimensions automatically and dynamically. Connection points are created automatically. Symbols break the wire at insertion and wires are redrawn automatically when a symbol is moved or deleted.
Symbols are automatically numbered. Symbol rotation, symmetry, alignment & hatching functions are available. All sorts of drawing objects: line, multiline, rectangle, circle, arc, ellipse, spline, arrow can be inserted.
Standard Product & Part lists are generated on real-time and can be cut and pasted into Excel ®.Bitmaps and any type of OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) file can be inserted. This can be for instance Excel ®;spreadsheets, Word ® documents
Train yourself to troubleshoot electrical circuits safely with this program.